Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Tho' thousands may fall stark and gory, Their requiem from gun and cannon mouth,
They'll win fame, freedom and glory; And all for the loved "'Sunny South."
Air—" Bruce s Address."
Written for and dedicated to the Kirk's Ferry Rangers, by their Captain, E. Lloyd Wailes. Sung by the Glee Club on 4th July, 1861, at the Kirk's Ferry Barbecue (Catahoula, La.), after the presentation of a flag, by the ladies, to the Kirk's Ferry Rangers.
Rally round our country's flag ! Rally, boys, nor do not lag; Come from every vale and crag,
Sons of Liberty ! Northern Vandals tread our soil, Forth they come for blood and spoil, To the homes we've gained with toil,
Shouting, "Slavery."
Traitorous Lincoln's bloody band Now invades the freeman's land, Arm'd with sword and firebrand,
'Gainst the brave and free. Arm ye, then, for fray and fight, March ye forth both day and night, Stop not till the foe 's in sight,
Sons of chivalry.